Well, yesterday was a bit of a bust for my latest project. I’m trying to re-organize my kitchen. I have a lot of down time at work, so I created a two page Action List of what I wanted to do in the kitchen. It’s very inefficient and after re-reading Deniece Schofield’s book, I really think I can make it function much better. So yesterday, I woke up ready to go, but it seemed like one thing after another got in the way. I got the utility area done. That’s a fancy way of saying that I got my cleaning stuff organized. I used to store everything in the pantry and under the kitchen sink. Now, I have a corner of the garage devoted to just cleaning supplies. I even found a cool little cart at Kmart that has wheels so that when I’m cleaning, I can carry my supplies around really easily instead of traipsing back and forth. I know how boring this probably is, but it thrills me! I had to make all the children come and see my beautiful utility area and now I will make you see too! (lovely, isn’t it?)