Remember in my last post I said I was doing a beautiful job of keeping up with my routines? Ha! The kids got out of school last week and then we went camping and darn if my routines haven’t just gone out the window! Summer is always rough-too many kid hours inflicted upon my poor house and not enough Mom hours. Throw in friends of kids and a husband who loves to go places after work and there is very little time for cleaning or crafting. Tonight we will be home and I will be a domestic goddess. I swear. No shlepping in front of the t.v., no naps. Just me and my timer moving from zone to zone.
Camping sure was fun though! We drove up Highway 50 and took the Ice House Road and stopped at the first campground we found. Lucky for us some campers were just leaving and we snagged their spot the minute they were gone! Here are a few of my favorite shots: All of us, thanks to the timer feature.
All packed up and ready to go. We were packed in tight!
Here’s Carmen- too cool for school in her private tent.
Boys on a log. Ice House Reservoir was so clean and beautiful! And just a few feet from our campsite. I was very proud of myself on Sunday. I was the first one up (no suprise there!) and I made the fire myself and made the coffee and made eggs and bacon and let the children toast their bread themselves over the fire. Oh yes, I am a mountain woman at heart.