I’ve heard of Secret Admirers, of course, but I never dreamed that I might have one! First of all, just receiving something in the mail addressed to me was a big thrill, but then when I opened the package and found the gorgeous necklace and bracelet! Well, I was beside myself. The card is so mysterious! “My dear Cissette, Wear these in good health. -A Secret Admirer” Since I don’t know who you are, I will have to thank you via my companion Bettsi’s blog. Thank you so very much! I love them both and they look stunning with my turquoise floral dress and sweater and I think they are very dramatic with this new black dress that Bettsi is making for me. I see from the postmark that you are in St. Louis. What a beautiful city. Not only am I completely baffled as to who you may be, but Bettsi is as well. How I wish I could reciprocate your kindness! Until that time, please know that you have made this little dolly very, very happy. I will treasure this for a lifetime!