The other thing on my desk is this:
I’m working on a new look for the blog and the etsy shop. Since I seem to be so pink and blue crazy lately, I’m going with that. I drew these letters by hand, using my old Letraset catalog from my college days. It is such a good resource to have. I think there will be some shadowing added for depth. And, really, it should have some glitter somewhere. Then I need to collect some other little elements and have Carmen help me with scanning and other digital stuff. I’m excited!
I have some other WIP’s too:
- A new EFA doll. She is a cutie-patootie! If you remember Joanne, this doll is the same pattern, but she is a little blonde girl wearing pink calico. I’m really excited to get her finished and listed in the shop this week.
- Blank birthday cards for this swap.
- A fairy dotee doll for this sweet girl.
- Mommy’s composition baby. I really want to get her done so she can come out and play! (I had to look up my original post about this doll so I could create a link. It’s funny to reread things you wrote two years ago! I said I thought a cabinet full of dolls was creepy! LOL! Now my doll cabinet is one of my favorite things! I think it’s all in what you do with it. My cabinet is more of a “life” assemblage- full of special things and memories rather than just a cabinet full of dolls. But it’s still pretty funny!)
So, that’s what is on the work table at the moment. Isn’t it grand to have projects?