In exactly this place. Which is not quite where I intended to be, but we’re okay. Our new apartment is snug and cute. The apartment complex is full of big beautiful pine trees. I call this place our little hobbit home!How do you like this little chest of drawers? Pretty cute, right? Obviously, I was very inspired by Miss Mustard Seed’s bird dresser. And yes, it is painted in the same apple green that I am using for the dining room set, which is coming along slowly, as you can see below. This dresser was my grandparents’ and when we were moving it into the apartment I was really questioning my judgement! It was pretty beat up, but it sure is looking sweet now.
This whole experience has been good, I think. While I’m sad to lose my house, the giant burden of trying to keep up with a payment I absolutely couldn’t afford combined with the other burden called “upkeep” was really wearing on me. I wish now (because as we all know, hindsight is 20/20) that I had just listed the house for sale back in 2008 when Earl and I split up. But who knows… the house may not have sold even then AND having Kelly and her girls live with us was an experience that benefited all of us. As the immortal Fleetwood Mac said, “Don’t you look back.”
As we can see, Max and Eric are perfectly fine! Wherever we are together, that is where home is. Which is right here!I am sure having fun with the home projects and I look forward to sharing a lot more as I complete them. The rocker in the corner above is already glossy black now and getting sexier than a rocking chair has a right to be! Wait till you see it!
I’m sharing at (of course!):